Myers Residence
Los Angeles, CA
The owner bought a home built in the early 90’s, located in Bel Air, L.os Angeles, CA. Ecotech Design was tasked with completely rebuilding and transforming it into a clean, classic contemporary residence. With sweeping views of the Getty Center and Pacific Ocean, the property is located in the Hollywood Hills near the Hollywood Fault, so needed to be fully upgraded to meet the latest state and local seismic, energy, hillside and fire codes. All exterior walls, the roof, as well as interior shear walls, ceilings and floors had to be re-built, re-insulated and refinished. Due to rapidly changing investment and financing policies at the time, an over-the-counter, fast-track permitting processes generated preliminary building and demolition permits in one hour. The completed home is 5,000 SF, has 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, entertainment rooms, is fully computer automated with entry waterfalls and drought tolerant landscaping on one acre.

“Walter Scott Perry is an outstanding architect of the highest professional caliber and a true gentleman. Scott approaches his projects with complete dedication and a level of professionalism that is unusual in this day and age. He is extremely responsive, and always available by phone or text. He always offers creative solutions for any issues and is flexible to clients requests. He wants to make it work….is extremely knowledgable and has excellent problem solving skills. He is meticulous in his attention to detail.. an expert in “green technology and…. works well with City and Planning officials through the complex planning and building codes all the way through final inspections. ”
— Steven Myers | homeowner, Myers Residence